How Springpoint’s Spiritual Care Program Benefits Seniors
February 13, 2024
Seek Out a New Activity to Connect with Your Inner Self
When you hear the word wellness, you might think of activities that improve physical and mental well-being. If so, you are on the right track, but have you ever heard of spiritual wellness? This topic is one that is worth exploring, especially for seniors looking to connect with their inner self.
Practicing spiritual wellness does not mean that you have to claim a religious denomination. This concept focuses more on connecting to your inner self in a way that transcends you and your worldly concerns. It’s also a way to expand personal values, connect with nature, and dive deeper into your personal meaning of life. For those who do believe in a higher power, practicing spiritual wellness can involve connecting to your faith on a deeper level. As we age, spiritual wellness can help people master the strength to get through difficult times and enhance happiness and inner peace.
Working on your spiritual health is beneficial to people of all ages, but for seniors there’s proof that it can increase overall well-being. There are also historical trends that help prove “caring for the human spirit” as the Health Care Chaplaincy Network calls it, is truly beneficial. They have also supplied valuable information as to the positive effects on spiritual wellness, and how to measure its success. The organization continues to conduct research, identifying several of the following benefits:
- Helping prevent feelings of loneliness and depression
- Helping inspire hope and positivity
- Boosting your immune system’s response
- Lowering your blood pressure and reducing anxiety
- Helping you with concentration and focus
Three Spiritual Wellness Exercises to Try Now
If you’re ready to give spiritual wellness a try, keep in mind that spirituality is deeply personal —meaning that each individual has a different interpretation. Each definition is equally valid if it resonates with your mind, body, and soul.
Below are three spiritual wellness tips and exercises to get you started on your journey. Practicing them together with like-minded friends or within your community, such as Monroe Village, adds a wonderful opportunity. Choosing to participate in a group creates special moments to connect with others on what you’re feeling. There is always room to inspire or be inspired by others as well. Remember, socializing and sharing are always good for the soul!
1. Do an Inner Self-Check
Both our mental and spiritual wellness has its good days and bad days; after all, we are human. A good tactic to help fight these ups and downs that we experience is to do an inner self checkup every few months. Not only is this a great tactic for our wellness, but it’s also a great way to reconnect with…YOU. Here are some things to consider:
- Every day presents us with the opportunity to live our values and to demonstrate them. How is that working for you?
- When times get difficult, how do you find the strength to press forward?
- Where do you go to regenerate your spiritual strength? To a person? To a place of worship? Other?
- Where’s your happy place, the place where you find comfort and peace…is it on the map or in your mind?
- What are the external or internal things that give your life purpose and meaning?
- Do you feel that you’re an understanding and compassionate person? How do you show this to others, especially those who are different from you? Is there room to grow?
2. Explore Meditation and Yoga
Of all the exercises recommended for seniors, meditation and yoga are two of the best. What are the benefits? Both yoga and meditation are excellent for stress reduction, relaxation, and creating an overall sense of well-being and calmness—even improving your quality of sleep. As we get older, focusing on keeping our body healthy is truly important. Yoga and meditation are ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine.
To go more into detail about added benefits, yoga increases flexibility, supports bones and joints, and helps with balance. Meditation uses a slow, steady focus to help clear your mind of stress and anxiety while tapping into your inner self. Both of these exercises support stretching and flexibility, so it’s a triple play for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Yoga and meditation have exercises that are achievable for all ages which make them great for seniors.
Senior living communities like Monroe Village are dedicated to creating an environment that fosters overall wellbeing. Yoga classes and guided meditation are among the many offerings, as are numerous other wellness programs for seniors through LivWell at Monroe Village, that promote growth, learning, and emotional health for residents. You will be sure to find an offering that fits into your wellbeing needs at Monroe Village.
3. Seek Guidance from the Wise
Many people find comfort and direction in sacred texts and the teachings of religious leaders. Others seek words of wisdom from community leaders, educators, and others.
If you’re fortunate enough to be a resident in a senior living community like Monroe Village, you have a built-in support team, including chaplains and others who understand the powerful health benefits of spiritual wellness. Here at Monroe Village, we offer Spiritual Care Programs which are funded through the Springpoint Foundation. With offering the Spiritual Care program, residents can expect both emotional and spiritual support, no matter their denomination. Residents can participate in nondenominational services, group programs, and individual counseling right in their own community, regardless of their faith tradition.
Live in a Retirement Community Focused on You
At Monroe Village, all beliefs are valued and honored––and we encourage our residents to be learners, seekers, and explorers in all ways. Life is to be experienced, and our senior living community in Monroe Township focuses on offering ways to expand your mindset and learn something new every day––even about yourself. If you’d like to learn more about how our award-winning wellness program caters to individual needs, let’s talk. We look forward to meeting you!