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Superfoods for Seniors: Lengthen Your Lifespan, and Feel Great Too

What do you think of whenever you read the term “superfood”? A carrot in a cloak? A tangerine with night vision?

Eating well is a superpower that all seniors can master. Making these ten superfoods part of your regular routine may help to promote an energized and healthy lifestyle, one step at a time. Add in some exercise, positive habits – you’ll be conquering aging like the superhero you are.

1.   Green Tea

The contents of your cup may be just as significant as what is on your plate. Green tea is well known for having the ability to lower cancer risk; it also offers other advantages.

The most ardent tea users (7 cups each day) showed up to a 62% decreased risk of mortality when contrasted with non-green tea lovers, according to one research that examined green tea intake and death rate in people who had a cardiac event or stroke. If that seems like more green tea than you can handle, don’t worry; individuals who consumed one to 2 glasses each day still reaped the benefits.

2.   Avocados

Avocado not only adds delicious flavor to your favorite Southwestern dishes, but it is also packed with essential health benefits. According to the USDA, half an avocado contains 29 mg of magnesium, a nutrient that helps support blood circulation and glucose levels. Bolstering your diet with avocados can help reduce your risk factors for type 2 diabetes.

Alongside heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, avocado also offers significant fiber. This risk of heart disease could be decreased by substituting unsaturated fat (avocados) for trans fat (butter).

3.   Blueberries

Eating more vegetables and fruits is one of the best things you can do for your health. A recent meta-study showed that individuals who increased their daily intake by just 8 ounces had a 10% decrease in risk of early death, so make sure to start incorporating them into all your meals today. You’ll be surprised at how much it may benefit you later on.

Even more benefits were shown at about or 28 oz daily of foods like berries—a 31% decreased risk of early mortality. Blueberries have also been demonstrated to lengthen longevity in two different aging conditions. Specific flavonoid compounds found in blueberries prevent DNA deterioration and reduce age-related neural cell damage. Attempt to eat at least 1 cup of blueberries daily.

4.   Basil

For those looking to reap the benefits of nutrition and health, basil may be a great choice. Rich in iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium and many more vitamins and minerals – it’s no wonder why this herb is part of the mint family. Plus its free radicals-fighting antioxidants like flavonoids and anthocyanins make it an ideal option for seniors who wish to stay healthy with age.

5.   Apples

Eating apples is a delicious way to maintain heart health, especially for older adults. The soluble fibers in apples can help lower bad cholesterol and the polyphenols found in the peels are natural antioxidants – all of which has been linked to improved cardiovascular function.

Apples are rich in fiber and water, vital ingredients that facilitate simple digestion and metabolism. According to a poll, eating an apple made respondents’ stomachs feel heavier and more satisfied than other fruits.

6.   Salmon

Salmon and related fatty fish deliver essential omega-3 fats, protein, Vitamin B, selenium, and minerals, which give health advantages such as a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease as well as an 80–90% reduced risk of abrupt cardiovascular death. A diet high in seafood is also related to lowered depression risk and enhanced cognitive function and memory.

According to a review of numerous studies, consuming more than 2 ounces of salmon daily was linked to a 12 percent decreased chance of passing away from any cause. Another critical study discovered that frequent consumers of oily fish had a 38% reduced chance of passing away from Alzheimer’s illness, a 20% reduced chance of dying from cancer, as well as a 15–18% reduced chance of dying due to heart disease.

7.   Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds contain a lot of vitamin E plus folate, so consuming them frequently may help avoid heart disease. Other nutrients abundant in sunflower seeds include selenium, which supports immune system function, and magnesium, which promotes emotional stability and general well-being.

Additionally, it has a high concentration of vitamin E, which is necessary for the production of collagen and elastin. By slowing the development of wrinkles and lines, they keep your face taut and preserve its young shine.

8.   Figs

Seniors who struggle with insomnia may want to eat fresh or dried figs to get a good night’s sleep. The additional minerals in figs, like omega-3 fats and B Vitamins, aid in a restful night’s sleep for your body. Figs are relatively low in salt and high in potassium. These minerals provide essential fats that aid in lowering cholesterol levels and support heart pressure control, which delays the onset of several cardiovascular disorders, including hypertension.

9.   Chia Seeds

Chia seeds help enhance bone and cardiovascular health by including essential nutrients, fiber, energy, and omega-3 fats. A long lifespan is correlated with a regular rhythm and strong bones. For longevity, fiber, in particular, is vital. Those that consume more fiber extend their lives by years.

Adding extra fiber to your diet is simple. Incorporate 1-2 teaspoons of chia and flaxseed powder into everyday meals such as yogurt, cereal, salad or smoothies. Plant-based dishes are an easy way to get the right amount without any added processing. Give it a try and enjoy all its nutritious benefits.

10. Peanut Butter

Healthy fats, magnesium, and proteins inside peanut butter give seniors steady energy all day long. In addition to being rich in antioxidants that may help keep blood from clotting and vascular injury, peanut butter is rich in vitamins E and B6, which are suitable for maintaining brain function.

According to research, people who consume nuts or nut kinds of butter, such as peanut butter, become less inclined to acquire type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Consuming a tablespoon of peanut butter could be a great choice when you’re seeking to gain weight, bulk up, speed up your metabolic rate, or enhance your bedtime.

Summing Up

Eating a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants is important at any stage in life. But as we age, our bodies become more vulnerable to disease and our cognitive function can decline. This is why incorporating nutrient-rich superfoods into your diet is especially important for seniors. The good news is that there are plenty of delicious options to choose from. Green tea, avocados, blueberries, and basil are just a few of the many superfoods that can help seniors stay healthy and improve their quality of life.

At Monroe Village, we understand how important it is for seniors to eat well and live happily. We offer a wide variety of amenities and services designed to support an active lifestyle including access to nutritious meals prepared by our culinary team. Contact us today to learn more about what Monroe Village could do for you or your loved one’s health and wellbeing.

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